Chasing The Cyclone is a critically acclaimed international legal thriller. For best-selling author Peter Thomas Senese the novel is a call-to-arms against child abduction. In writing Chasing The Cyclone, Peter’s intent was direct: to stop the global child abduction epidemic. Since the author’s creation of the I CARE Foundation, the U.S. child abduction rate has declined by 38%.The author and I CARE Foundation activism have been praised by global leaders, including the Hague Secretary General.
martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012
Peter Senese's Website Educates About International Child Abduction
I am very pleased to share that the official website for Chasing The Cyclone by Peter Thomas Senese has recently undergone a new configuration along the addition of significant new content.
It is my aspiration and goal to provide as much new and updated content concerning international parental child abduction as possible so targeted parents and stakeholders who advocate for them may have the best available information and resources that will enable them to protect children at risk of abduction.
I invite you to take the time to read through the official Chasing The Cyclone website. There you will find important information about abduction. You will also read about more than a few miracles the not-for-profit I CARE Foundation I am the Founding Director of has created.
Thank you in advance for visiting The Official Website of Peter Thomas Senese's 'Chasing The Cyclone'.
Thank you!
Peter Thomas Senese
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Este sitio es dedicted a la sensibilización y comprensión de la sustracción internacional de menores de sus padres. Peter Thomas, un padre Chasing que lograron reunirse con su hijo secuestrado, es el autor de la novela muy esperada titulado Chasing el ciclón.
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